August @ MMSS

To kick things off for this month, Mid Murray Support Service would like to extend a huge welcome back to Scrooges Op-Shop. New Manager Leonie has been working tirelessly to provide our community with a new Country Treasures Experience. Lots of community members have been donating goods and clothing to keep what we have to offer different and interesting and provide you with anything from a new wardrobe and toys for the kids to fine crystal and table ware. Pop in and prepare to be surprised. If you have larger donations call Leonie from Wednesday to Sunday on 8569 1892 to arrange a viewing or drop off/pick up.


Mid Murray Support Service is happy to announce that it was successful in the ‘2023 Foundation SA Disaster Recovery Fund Grant Round’. This greatly appreciated funding has allowed Scrooges Country Treasures to be created. The restoration and refurbishment of the store has allowed MMSS to provide a more pleasurable shopping experience for all those Op-Shoppers visiting and our community members who regularly browse. In addition, a big plus is a more comfortable working environment for our friendly Scrooges staff and volunteers.


Foundation SA’s Disaster Recovery Fund supports non-profit organisations in flood impacted regions. Foundation SA raised $85,000 through a public fundraising campaign in the first half of the year and have now distributed all funds through a competitive grant round with nine grants awarded across the region.


Foundation SA is a community foundation established by The Wyatt Trust in Adelaide in 2001 with the aim of inspiring generosity and strengthening the local non-profit sector in South Australia. Their implementation partner and Trustee is Australian Communities Foundation.


If you have been notified that you now have a Home Care Package on offer to you through My Aged Care, Mid Murray Support Service is able to assist. We currently have capacity to provide support for these types of packages. Either pop into The HUB at 58 Walker Ave, Mannum, OR call 5896 1832 and ask to speak to one of our friendly staff with your enquiry.


Have you heard of our HUB Homemade Meals? Ready to heat and eat, check out our menu and pop into The HUB to collect your delicious meals during office hours. Prices vary depending on your circumstances. Please give us a call on 08 8569 1832 to discuss any discounts or concessions that may be available to you.


Mid Murray Support Service Inc. application for the Community and Neighbourhood Development funding has been successful.  This funding means that we will be able to support our community members, who do not receive package funding and do not require complex support, to have the opportunity to attend The HUB activities at a subsidized rate.  Due to funding requirements, MMSS will collect some very basic individual information on registration for activities.

Our project for August's Crafternoon was to decorate a tea tray with Paper Decoupage.

We cut up delicate floral serviettes to paste on wooden limewashed trays, and with each one of our Crafter 'NOONIES' being different, so too were their finished trays. Crafternoon Tea was supplied by our awesome Kitchen Girls, it was certainly well received, and went down a treat. Special thanks this month to the wonderful Mr Barry Burdett, who cut up and drilled the wood for our trays. September’s project is a 'Teacup Bird Feeder' and for October, we will be creating Wire Dragonflies.


Our Bus Trip for August took us to the oldest Pub in SA, the Wellington Hotel which is situated at the widest point of The Murray.

The atmosphere was relaxed, and the meals were top notch and almost hanging off the plate. There are not too many places these days that offer a drink, main meal and dessert all served by friendly and accommodating staff for a cool $20! 2023 is passing so very quickly, so we are already looking at destinations for next year's trips.


We have so many activities available for the community. Everyone is welcome at all of our activities. Contributions for activities may apply. For more information on any activities, or to book, please contact The HUB directly on 08 8569 1832.


Mid Murray Support Service is always on the lookout for ideas and suggestions for new activities or services that our community may be needing. This is particularly helpful now, as mentioned above with our success in receiving the Community and Neighbourhood Development Funding. Please feel free to contact us any time either by phone (08 8569 1832), email ( or out Facebook page ( to let us know your ideas.


We have decided that a new section in our editorial will include TIPS and GIGGLES!

This months TIP

Did you know that Australia Post offers a Concession account for those that hold an eligible concession card? Simply apply for an Australia Post Concession Account for free. Once you receive your Concession Account card in the mail, you can buy up to 50 stamps per year for just 60c per stamp, that’s half price! To get you started, Australia Post will even give you a free booklet of 5 concession stamps. Ask at the Post Office about a Concession Account next time you visit.


This months GIGGLE

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers and father figures out there. Your impact is immeasurable, and your contributions are celebrated every day. In that spirit, we wanted to end with a joke.

“I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along”.


We are still looking for qualified and skilled support workers to assist us in our Mission of ‘Making Lives Better’. If you think you or someone you know would fit our organisation and has a passion for caring and supporting your community, please call The HUB on 08 8569 1832 and ask to speak to Isha, our HR manager to discuss your resume. Isha is available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays.



September @ MMSS


July @ MMSS